How Do I Know It Is Addict Behavior?

Season #3 Episode #151

How do we know if it is addict behavior or just our partner being annoying?  What do we do about it?  How do we find out?  These are the questions addressed in this episode.  

We are glad you found our season 3 episodes where we share some of our most advanced learnings and bring amazing experts on when it comes to relationships, and the challenges of healing both sides of the relationship after sex addiction and infidelity.

Our journey has taken us a long ways from the time we recorded these episodes, but many have still found help and hope for healing in the information. 

We hope you always seek healing first for yourself, and where possible for the relationship, though staying together or choosing divorce or separation can occur at the point of betrayal and at times even after healing from betrayal and addictions.

If you would like support in healing from betrayal we’d invite you to look at our program

It is not a program about staying together or leaving your partner, but rather finding the healing we need as an individual who has been made aware of our partner cheating.

If you would like support from a licensed therapist contact Brannon’s office at

To find out about Ashlynn’s groups

To get support from Coby check out

Thanks for your continued support for the podcast throughout all of our journey. 


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