NOW is the time to step on to the path of REAL RECOVERY from Betrayal Trauma!
What Others Say about Brannon and Ashlynn's
Methods for Healing From Betrayal

"I feel so validated and understood! Thank you, thank you! I feel like I got real answers and skills of how to communicate with my partner and how to avoid drama pitfalls and unproductive fights. I feel inspired..."
-Melyssa C.

"Your videos have helped me so much and I've never found such useful content elsewhere; I've found your resources to be far more helpful than one-to-one counseling in Hong Kong. Thank You So Much for all the Effort"
- Amartavarshini N.

"Being involved in one of Ashlynn's groups has been the most healing part of my journey. I'm so thankful that I decided to take that first step and reach out to Ashlynn! I am a much stronger woman today because of it! Thank you so much!"
- Cindy
There is a Simple Path to Peace, Again!
Learn the 5 Steps we Use to Move from feeling Crazy to Finding Peace Again.
I see you! I hear you! I have been where you are!
We are here to hold your hand as you put the pieces back together.
Finally, we are able to give you what I, Ashlynn, wish I had when I found out that my husband was unfaithful.
From: Brannon and Ashlynn
RE: How to put your life back together after your heart has been shattered.
Dear Friends,
Ashlynn here...
Life can be a wild ride, right.
And a few years back, I got the what felt like the hardest news of my life. My relationship wasn't at all what I thought.
The honesty Coby had finally chosen came with what felt like daggers, that literally had me wanting to curl up in a ball from the pain.
Had it all been a lie?
Why would he do this?
What did I do wrong?
What more could I have done?
Am I a horrible wife?
How could I be so gullible?
My whole world exploded into a million pieces in that moment.
My journey has had me look at so much and I barely recognize that old world as I write you this today, .
Part of me can't even believe my own story, but all of me knows it's one worth sharing, as we have done for the last few years on our podcast. "The Betrayed, The Addicted, and the Expert."
4 Years ago Brannon and Coby came to me and asked if I wanted to share our story with the world, but the truth was...
Our journey was just beginning. And what I would start to learn about healing from betrayal was something I'll forever be amazed by.
The podcast is now 3 seperate podcasts and has over 2 million downloads with 70,000+ people tuning in each week, and many giving us such amazing 5 star reviews. (I guess you and I aren't alone in what we've suffered.)
And thousands of people have leaned into their own journey's trusting there is real healing available.
None of it would have been possible without our amazing Co-Host, "The Expert" Brannon Patrick.
Although he was never our therapist, he is an absolute authority on healing from addiction, and recovering from the Trauma induced by Betrayal.
We have learned no two stories are exactly alike, some partners separate while others stay together.
But no matter the result healing and recovery from Infidelity is possible!

Here's Some of the Feedback from What We Share for Free!

Finally, there is one place where you can find a clear and simple path to follow in putting your life back together after betrayal.
This is how we hold your hand to move Beyond Betrayal...
First, we send you a quick login to go through our 5 weeks of in-depth video and audio coaching by phone or computer.
Each week you will find simple activities you can fit into a few moments of your day that will have a lasting impact.
As you take same steps we give those who pay us hourly to work with them you will begin to see what needs to be seen to process your pain and find safety once again.
From there we will nudge you forward with our ongoing email support to make the progress that leads to hope.
Along the way you can choose to share you're healing journey and connect with others program participants who understand your pain. (anonymously if you choose)
As you complete the program and comment and share your journey with others who struggle, you will find courage and strength to make tough decisions.
Finally, completion will provide a peace in your heart as you'll know you have the tools to build a future worth loving.

Step 1: Finding Safety
This step provides you the validation you need and deserve after such deep pain.
With profound exercises, we'll give you the foundation needed to move forward from the stuckness you may have been trapped in.

Step 2: Where Hope is Found
Early in this process hope feels so far away.
But as you take time with our reflective activities you will see where it lies and how it is within your reach.

Step 3: Empowering Acceptance
Acceptance is so misunderstood, and yet holds in its power a freedom that is so amazing to feel.
You can feel the freeing of your soul during this step as we shed light on what has been missing in your healing process..

Step 4: Courage Once Again
The crushing blow of a disclosure of infidelity strips us of our voice, our confidence, and at times even our sanity.
I love seeing when the women we work with finally trust themselves again, and know they can step bravely into a beautiful future.

Step 5: Shifting to Peace
You may have not felt peace for many days, months or even years if you've been betrayed.
Our experiences with women just like you give us confidence that peace is available for you when you walk this path and understand fully who you are, and how powerful you can be in recovery!

Bea's Story of Healing
The BONUS PROGRAM answer the question. "But what about my partner?"
A Simple 8 part series on how to work with your partner as you work through betrayal recovery.

EXTRA #2: Betrayal Journey Guide Book ($197 VALUE)
If you have been around us long you've heard the story of the Buffalo, and how the head into a storm vs running away from it.
This Guide will help you walk through the storm and come out sooner on the others side.
Thank you for the trust!
To the most common questions from people starting to heal, we want to say...
YES! There is really hope.
YES! We sometimes we have to work through our traumas alone without our spouse doing their work.
YES! It takes work to find peace on the other side of the pain, loneliness, anger and resentment.
YES! Betrayal trauma comes from more than just infidelity or cheating.
YES! There is a proven path to finding a lost connection with yourself that often comes after betrayal.
YES! Love of self, and even a partner (whether you choose this one or another is possible.)
You have found a path to healing you!
We'll see you inside for the most amazing journey!
Ashlynn Mitchell
Brannon Patrick, LCSW
Spring forward with us TODAY and get
20% off Single Pay or Pay Plan!
Here are some of the experiences from women like you who are in the program...
"After 34 years of marriage and dealing with this addiction for everyone of those years you can imagine how much pain needs to come out.
These letters are so painful and I really hate doing them but thank you so much for giving me the strength and courage to do it anyway. "
Be the Buffalo" ladies. You got this!!!"
- Anonymous Member
"This is the best description of Betrayal Trauma I have come across, and I have been searching for months. Thank you for making it so simple and easy to understand in this video!!! I wish I could have found Brannon’s explanation... months ago!
I wish I would have found this program earlier, and if I would have found this video initially, I would have signed up immediately."
"This was super helpful to watch the role plays. I was having a hard time understanding how some of the desires for changes in my partner’s behavior could still be about me and Brannon clarified that very well."
- S.J.
"As the real truth of my situation and marriage has washed over me I am realizing there’s a lot of pain and hurt I was just surviving through. Being frustrated I couldn’t mend and be better has been devastating... I’m excited to focus on me."
- S.V.
"Thankful, grateful and hopeful.
Thank you so much for putting this program together. I am so blessed to have "mentorship" from someone who has walked this road before me. Looking forward to healing, growing and thriving..."
- S.G.
"It's so nice to have my feelings put into words, and then be validated knowing that its normal! but also knowing there is hope and healing that can come."
- J.H.
"Here I am in the first lesson and I love it so much already. Just seeing it written down,all the things I have felt and do feel is like WOW, its not just me, these are the expected feelings and thought processes after betrayal. I am not crazy, I am normal."
- S.B.
"This is all making sense to me. It's so true..."
- J.D
"I have put this off for 8 months! Still had to sit with myself these videos, podcasts, music, printing all the downloads before I finally put pen to paper.
And what came out.. was not what I had expected.
Yes there was pain, yes there was tears, yes the hurt rose backup after 2 years.
but to have it done and to have asked myself more questions from it feels like I can press forward.... So if your putting it off.. take the time, create the space , worth it."
- D.C.
"This was so validating and eye opening.. I got divorced from my husband who betrayed me. I got remarried and it is SO different. WAY more connected and just better overall.
But i've been struggling with sex. having flashbacks and being triggered.
I feel so bad because my new husband didn't do anything wrong... and here I am having a hard time.
I'd wondered if there were anything about this, and it has been really helpful. I realized that a lot of my ideas about how things "should be" fell into the unhealthy sex area.
Anyway, this has given me some tools to focus on and think about things a little differently and enjoy sex more with my new husband."
- Anonymous
Come Join in And Find the Freedom of Living
Healing is Possible, You Deserve to Heal
Regular Price IS $497
I'M READY TO HEAL!You have Nothing to Lose with our
30 Day Money Back Guarantee!
If you go through each of the first 4 modules in the "Beyond Betrayal" Coaching Program and it doesn't take you by the hand, step-by-step toward recreating a greater peace and healing. If it doesn’t provide new insights on how to step forward with life... or if it fails to help you know the path to trust yourself again, then you can ask to receive a full refund, No Questions Asked!!
We do ask for you to review all videos in these modules to receive the refund.
As you can see all the risk is squarely on our shoulders so...

Your info and enrollment is completely private and will only be available to our company. We do not share your info, name or emails with 3rd parties.
The information and content provided through our sites, though provided by both licensed professionals as well as relationship coaches, is for educational purposes only. It is in no way a replacement for therapy rather should be a support for therapy by a licensed professional.
By joining in our programs you consent that you will rely on or seek professional support in addition to our materials when needed. Especially in the case of symptoms including anxiety, depression, trauma, suicidal thoughts, or other critical medical situations.